Cycling has taught me this...
you can ask me how does a non-living thing can teach philosophy.. see, everyday somehow or other we are interacting with machine or software, so it’d be interesting if we take motivation from them and use them for our day-to-day life. the three lessons that I learned from cycling:
Lesson 1: Balance yourself.
We all know how to cycle and I bet that no one has learned it without falling down at least once. It is science that we need to keep our balance on the wheel to keep ourselves moving forward, it applies same to one’s life, we need to balance ourselves in every day life. Balance our relationship by nourishing them, balance our family by showing care and affection, balance our work by enjoying the job we do, balance our mind with mediation and balance our heart filled with love. Once you learned how to balance you will never fall down .. you keep moving ahead 😊 ..
Lesson 2: Watch your breath.
Emotions add flavor to life, managing emotions is therefore a vital life skill because emotions can be powerful drivers of our behavior. How is that even related to cycling? Yes it is related because cycling requires good control on your breath and studies indicates that emotions are caused by the way we breathe. When cycling we run out of breath when the destination is too long or if the road is too steep, but in the long run you get to know how to control your breath by which you control your emotions. Shallow breathing often accompanies fear and deep full breathing often accompanies confidence. Become aware of how you breathe as we go through our day and practice more calming, joyful breathing. :) ..
Lesson 3: Keep pedaling.
One way to keep moving forward is to keep pedaling! When the road is inclined, then we need to pedal hard, we may apply the same with our goals and dreams, when we know that we are going thru some hard times we must push our limits to keep moving forward towards our goals, remember this quote “no pressure, no diamonds” .. when you know what is your destination or what is your goal then the journey becomes sweeter and you will feel that you are going thru the right direction. When we do not know our goals or when we don’t know our destination that’s when the journey becomes boring and tiring and we look for reasons rather than opportunities. So no matter what happens just remember to “keep pedaling .. keep pedaling ….”
Data! Data! Data!
In India, almost 1.5 lakh lives have been lost on roads due to accidents last year, every hour 17 people dies due to accidents, we may think highways are dangerous but 75% of accidents happens inside the cities, Delhi and Chennai are on the top of this list.. am not telling cycling can stop all these but I’m sure it can reduce the numbers.. Yes I agree we not have dedicated track for cycle, we people throw garage in the road and we do not respect people going in cycle. Despite all this number of cyclist keep growing every day.. bicycle sale is 45% higher than the car sales in 2017.
Ok! I’ll stop here.
Cycling not just transforms your waistline but also the essence of life that we call “Happiness”.. Many of us have already picked it as part of fitness routines, few to find adventure and a few for the inner calling.... “life is a cycle, we keep going up and down … but we keep moving forward….”
Thank you for reading :)
Raj ...
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